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How to Choose The Right Puppy For You

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How to choose the right puppy for you

Although all puppies are incredibly gentle, they are not quite appropriate for your lifestyle. Through proper research and preparation, you can find a dog that will be a great addition to the family. The adoption decision is so important that it does not depend on puppy-love at first sight. An incredible array of strains, exercise needs, and moods make it imperative that you do your homework. All puppies eventually grow into adults, so choosing a dog that fits your lifestyle is the best way to ensure your decision does not end with remorse. After spending time researching and comparing dog breeds, you'll have a better idea of which puppies are likely to grow to be a couch potato and which might be a good partner in running.

Do your research

If you are interested in different breeds, start getting a book with an overview or reviewing over 200 articles on our site about big and small dogs.

Ask the experts to share their opinions on the breeds you are interested in. Veterinarians work with different strains every day and have broad insight into which strains might fit your lifestyle. Dog trainers are another excellent source of information about the needs and behaviors associated with different breeds.

Consider the size, breeds, and needs

Although Great Danes love cuddling, they grow so quickly that they can't sit on your lap and can wipe the table with a tap of the tail. Because of his short legs, a dachshund may have trouble keeping up with running. It is important to think about how a puppy can fit into your lifestyle when it becomes an adult.

Grooming and aerobics needs should be another important part of the decision. Puppies in the herding group usually require a lot of exercise and attention. Other breeds, such as dogs with very long hair, have some somewhat intensive care needs.

In your search, you will find that some strains are predisposed to some health problems, such as sciatic dysplasia. Puppies with mixed breeds may be less likely to have these types of problems than purebred varieties, but this is not always the case. If you are considering a specific strain, ask the veterinarian what medical conditions you should know.

Do a back examination

Finding a reputable breeder or rescue group is essential to find socially healthy puppies. If you are looking for a purebred dog, ask your veterinarian or local breeds club to guide you in the right direction. Breed rescue organizations are also a great source for adopting a purebred dog.

If possible, you will want to meet the puppy's parents and siblings and see the breeding facility. It is worth the time and effort to get to know your puppy's background and make sure it comes from a healthy environment.

When it comes to pet store puppies, it is often impossible to verify my parents or the background of a particular puppy. Unfortunately, a portion of dogs in the windows of pet stores come from puppy factories.

Adopting a puppy from a rescue shelter or organization can be very rewarding, although it may be impossible to know much about a rescue puppy's background or medical history. But these types of organizations usually offer other important benefits, such as health checks, fine cuts, and vaccinations.

Know what you're looking for

It is important for a veterinarian to examine your puppy as soon as possible. Ideally, this should be done before bringing your new family member home for the first time. Fortunately, breeders, shelters and rescue groups often provide papers to verify that your puppy has been examined by a veterinarian, has treated parasites and has at least one round of vaccinations. 

Here are some things to check when you meet your puppy:

  • Ensure that your puppy appears alert and aware, not idle.
  • Check for a little fat around the puppy's rib cage. It should be well fed.
  • Check his coat. There should be no bald spots or dry, scaly skin.
  • Watch your puppy walking. The healthy puppy should walk and function normally, without lameness.
  • Check eyes, ears and nose. It should be relatively clean with no discharge.
  • Throw a game or ball. His eyes must follow the game.
  • Watch for coughing, sneezing or difficulty breathing. These may be signs of illness.
  • Clap your hands. Your puppy should turn to see you when a loud noise is behind it.

Watch the puppy's character

Choosing a well-bred puppy can help ensure a life of happiness and friendship. By knowing what you are looking for and paying close attention, you can learn a lot about the mood of your puppy during a short visit.

1. Watch your puppy playing with teammates. This is a good way to determine how your puppy will handle other dogs later in life. A puppy that shows a healthy interest in toys, but softens when the little boy screams, most likely he will meet well with other dogs.

2. Measure how the puppy interacts with people. Ideally, you'll be able to notice him as he encounters people of all ages and genders. Puppies must be curious and interested in people. A puppy that cries or urinates may be socially weak and difficult to train.

3. Wrap your puppy on his back for a minute. Puppies who struggle excessively or become aggressive may have problems dominating. A well-adjusted puppy may snake a little but will eventually relax and become submissive.

4. Grab the puppy, and touch its ears, mouth, and claws. Puppies must be comfortable to handle. If your puppy becomes aggressive or tries to escape, it may not be the kind that your dog likes to lie with you on the sofa or allow you to cut his nails.

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