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How Much Protein Should Dog Food Contain? | Dog Life

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?How Much Protein Should Dog Food Contain

Visit any online message board about pet feeding and you'll likely find a heated discussion about protein - pros and cons, good sources, bad sources, and more reviews more than you wanted to know. What is protein, why is it a hot topic, and how much protein should dog food contain?

What is protein?

Proteins are the building blocks of your pet's body and are made up of amino acid chains linked together. They can range in size from a few amino acids to the large and complex molecules in which amino acid chains are complexly folded.

The amino acid sequence as well as the 3D structure affect protein function. Proteins are essential for all aspects of growth, development, and repair of body tissues, digestive enzymes, and the immune system. Of the three macronutrients that provide energy - protein, fat, and carbohydrates - protein is unique because it is the primary source of nitrogen in the body.

There are 22 amino acids required by dogs and cats, but they can only produce 12 of these acids (i.e. non-essential amino acids). The remaining ten are essential amino acids your pet should get from food (see table below). Cats are unique because they also need taurine, a compound that resembles amino acids.

Read more: amino acids

Taurine is found in animal protein sources, so it is significant for felines to get probably a portion of their protein from meat. Taurine is critical for a cat's heart, eye, and normal reproductive function. Complete and balanced dog foods must contain all essential amino acids in quantities that meet the requirements of cats or dogs.

Dietary Protein Sources

Good sources of protein commonly used in pet food are divided into three main categories: meals (such as chicken meal and lamb meal), fresh meat / fish / poultry (such as lean turkey, lean venison) and vegetable protein (for example, Pea protein, corn gluten meal).

When foods that contain the protein are eaten, this food protein is divided into amino acids, which are absorbed and used to make body proteins. However, not all proteins are equal.

A high-digest protein source that contains more essential amino acids is a high-quality protein. Some proteins have low levels of one or more essential amino acids and are referred to as limited amino acids, usually methionine, lysine or tryptophan. However, foods can be easily combined to provide the right balance for all essential amino acids (that is, complementary proteins).

Protein requirements

Protein levels in pet foods have been crawling slowly over the years, but how much do dogs and cats really need?

Protein requirements vary depending on the species and stage of life. Cats bind to carnivores and need more protein than dogs. Puppies and cats have higher requirements than dogs and adult cats because the extra protein is necessary to develop new tissues.

According to the American Forage Control Officials Association (AAFCO), adult dogs and cats require at least 18 and 26 percent of protein (dry matter base), respectively, while ensuring that all essential amino acid requirements are met. Higher levels of protein may be required in some cases, such as high-performance animals or seriously ill patients.

Read more: How much protein? For dogs For cat

On the contrary, low protein levels may be necessary for some health conditions. One of the factors to consider with high protein diets is that other nutrients may lose balance. For example, diets that are too high in meat may not have the appropriate calcium to phosphorous ratio, which can affect bone and kidney health. Properly designed pet foods contain a balance of protein, fat, and carbohydrates, as well as vitamins and minerals.

Proteins and health issues

Fats and carbohydrates are the body's favorite energy sources, but protein can also be broken down to provide energy. However, animals cannot store an excess of amino acids. What is not used for tissue maintenance should be dealt with by the liver and kidneys. Obesity is a major concern for an increasing number of pets. For pets that need to lose a pound or two, evidence suggests that eating a high protein diet may be beneficial. While energy balance is the main factor in weight management, a moderate increase in protein may help encourage body fat loss while preventing pet tissue loss for pets on a calorie-restricted diet.

Protein is the ingredient in food and is the most common source of food allergy. New protein ingredients that your pet has not eaten before are less likely to cause a harmful food reaction. Some examples of new proteins include venison, salmon, and ducks. If you suspect your pet may be food allergic.

In the past, it was widely accepted that pets with poor kidneys should eat a low-protein diet. The kidneys play an important role in regulating the amount of nitrogen in the blood. High levels of nitrogen in the blood, called azotemia, lead to side effects such as confusion, fast heartbeat, and excessive thirst. Since protein is the primary dietary source of nitrogen, it was believed that restricting protein intake would reduce blood azotemia and protect the kidneys from additional harm.

Although dietary protein intake may need to be adjusted depending on the clinical condition and symptoms of the pet, severe protein restriction is no longer recommended for most pets with kidney failure. In fact, getting enough high-quality protein is vital to maintaining health and preventing malnutrition for animals with chronic kidney failure.

Protein is a vital component of your pet's food and provides the essential amino acids your pet needs to be strong and healthy. However, it is important to remember that like most nutrients, while some are good, a lot is not necessarily better.

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  1. Low protein dog food can only be prescribed under really special circumstances. While it is a common perception that dogs should be switched to low protein food when they age, it is actually not true. Unless and until your dog has not got any certain health related issue, shifting him to a low protein diet is not recommended at all.
